Lehrgang für Schiedsrichter am 21.11 in Unterföhring

Dear all,

Please note that there will be a referees training on 21 November 2015 to be held at Unterföhring.

This will be for experienced referees who are either active or have previously been and are looking to restart. It will be a full day starting at 10:00 and finishing at 16:00.

If you have anyone who would be interested in attending please let me have their details as soon as possible.

There will be a 50€ charge per attendee as we are bringing down a World Rugby Educator from Berlin.

There will also be an introduction course for referees next February or March with the venue depending on how much response I get. I will let you have further details as soon as possible but am letting you have plenty of notice so that those clubs who do not have active referees can make sure that they correct this.

Justin Mashford

Justin Mashford

Handy: +49 (0) 151 23549040
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rugby Verband Bayern e.V. 

Weiherweg 73

82194 Gröbenzell



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